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New Image™ Soft Convex CeraPlus™ skin barrier with a unique combination of fit and formulation.
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Learn MoreBefore making the journey from your hospital bed to your home, it’s important to review some essential care tips and precautions with your stoma care nurse.
Before you leave the hospital, there are a few things you will need to know. Use this 9-point checklist to review some basic ostomy skills and facts with your stoma care nurse for a smooth transition from hospital to home.
Empty your pouch: Exactly how you empty your pouch depends on the type you choose. For example, with a closed pouch, you simply remove and dispose of it. Whereas a drainable pouch requires you to drain it. Review guidance on ostomy pouching systems or talk to your stoma care nurse about what’s right for you.
Changing your pouching system: It is best to change your pouching system when the stoma is least active. Often people find this is first thing in the morning. Once you get into a routine, you'll learn the rhythm of your body and be able to estimate the best time to change your pouching system.
Assess and care for your stoma and the skin around your stoma: Make sure your stoma care nurse reviews some important facts about your stoma, including how to assess its health. You should also talk about how to care for the skin around your stoma, which is called the peristomal skin.
Apply your pouching system: Your stoma care nurse will be sure to go over all the steps needed to re-apply your pouching system, including applying the skin barrier, verifying that it fits well, and making sure the adhesion is strong.
Assess the signs of potential complications and know when to contact a healthcare professional: Some issues may arise occasionally as you care for your ostomy at home. You’ll need to check for leaks, peristomal skin irritation, excessive stoma bleeding and other potential complications that warrant contacting your stoma care nurse.
Manage gas and odour (colostomy or ileostomy only): As your bowel begins to function after surgery, you will notice gas in your pouch. Pouches with filters are available that help minimise gas and odour. Talk to your stoma care nurse about your options.
Follow dietary and fluid guidelines: You may gradually resume your usual diet unless your healthcare provider recommends otherwise. You can also review these eating dos and don'ts after ostomy surgery.
Follow instructions for home healthcare: You may be provided with home healthcare services on a temporary or permanent basis during your recovery. Your healthcare team will go over any special instructions with you.
It’s helpful to know some key facts about your urinary system and your urostomy before surgery. Get up to speed so you’re well-informed about your procedure.
Read MoreKimberly Holiday Coleman is a colorectal cancer survivor and lives with a stoma. She believes that talking with your friends about your ostomy can not only help you feel more comfortable, but also mak...
Read MoreIf you have just had or are about to have urostomy surgery, it’s important to learn about the procedure and about your urinary system. Watch this short overview video.
Read MoreFlat CeraPlus Barrier, Tape
Learn MoreSoft Convex CeraPlus Barrier, Viewing Option, Lock 'n Roll Closure, Tape, Filter
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The information provided herein is not medical advice and is not intended to substitute for the advice of your personal physician or other healthcare provider. This information should not be used to seek help in a medical emergency. If you experience a medical emergency, seek medical treatment in person immediately.
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